The Iron Writer Spring Equinox Open Preliminary Round
Challenge 58
The Spring Open is a quarterly challenge consisting of champions of the twelve previous challenges plus four additional authors who popular vote totals merits an invitation. The sixteen writers will be bracketed. The champion of each bracket will participate in the Spring Open final round on April 17th.
The Brackets:
H. P Lovecraft
Anne Bronte
Mark Twain
Ursula Le Guin
The Elements:
A Kitchen Apron
Fruit Scented Lotion
Your favorite Karaoke song
The Authors:
John Cosgrove, Laura Roberts, Lee Cox, Patricia Marshall, K. A. DaVur, Brick Marlin, Jordan Bell,
Wende Whitus, Mamie Pound, Eric Garrison, Danielle Lee Zwissler, Violet Patterson, Tannis Laidlaw,
M. D. Pitman, Lindsey Cooperider, Jennifer Smythe